3 Secrets to Stop Procrastinating

3 Secrets to Stop Procrastinating
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Why do I accomplish some of my To-Dos, but delay, avoid, dread, and procrastinate over others? My problem was always me. It turned out that it wasn’t.

It was frustrating. It was frustrating. I would put off urgent, important or meaningful tasks until the end of the day. I would then promise, “I’ll get it done tomorrow… Or one the first… Or
It was hard to understand why I would avoid doing simple tasks and do other tasks fast and easily. Even gladly!

I was then able to identify simple reasons why I kept putting off certain tasks while I could easily complete others. They weren’t all the same task. These were not simple tasks. These were more than just a list of To-Dos. They were a series of tasks. These distinctions made a huge difference in my life. It will do the same for you, I’m sure.

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