The ADHD in Adults Project is a ground breaking campaign seeking to educate healthcare professionals about ADHD, treatment protocols and the various treatment options that can help patients suffering from ADHD. Jonathan Marx, CME Learning Experts – Inquill Medical Communications has more information about the program.
Marx talks about the partnerships that this campaign has created, which include the top clinicians and researchers from the country who are helping to teach primary care physicians and healthcare workers about adult ADHD symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. Marx also discusses how modern technology is being used to aid practitioners in learning about ADHD.
Undiagnosed ADHD can have a devastating impact on the lives of patients with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD can affect both children and adults. However, doctors who treat adults (PCP providers or family practitioners) don’t seem to have the same knowledge or training about the disorder. Marx believes that education about ADHD symptoms and signs can increase the number of adults being successfully treated.
For more information about The ADHD in Adults Project, or to request more information, visit the following site. Our website with free ADHD CME (ADHD Continuous Medical Education) is
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