Please remember to take full responsibility for your own well-being – practice great self-care, and seek appropriate professional assistance as needed. This video is also worth a look: I appreciate your support. 🙂
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Tapping is a new concept. Please watch this video to learn more: />
To make these videos accessible, I must state that you are responsible for your health and well-being if tapping along. Although I believe tapping along with this video will provide many benefits, I don’t claim to know if you will get any. EFT has shown remarkable results for treating psychological and physical issues. However, not everyone will be able to benefit the same. This information is not meant to replace the advice of a mental health professional or doctor. I am not a doctor. EFT is still an experimental technique and while more PhD’s and MDs are using it, it cannot be said that it is safe. There have been no reports of people experiencing side effects from these videos. However, everyone is different and you may discover deeper issues that the video cannot address. Before using this technique, it is strongly recommended that you consult a qualified healthcare practitioner.
I hope that you enjoy the video and find it useful, and that it will be shared with others.
This article is not meant to cover all aspects of the subject. I can only do so much in five -10 …!minutes You will not be working with me to resolve specific issues. It is my hope that it will allow you to address the issue and give you more freedom to live the life that you desire. You can also check out other EFT practitioners and workshops. You can find more information on tapping and a lot of great resources to help make your life better, visit: m
This is my personal way of using EFT, not what could be called official EFT.
If you enjoyed this video please subscribe to my videos, and share them with other people. I hope that you sign up for my monthly newsletter, Success Beyond Belief, which is only one issue per month and contains great stuff for your mind, body, and spirit. Click here to sign up. You will receive a free gift! )
You can make a difference in the lives of children around the world by showing them the magic of tapping …?. You can! 😉
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Please visit: m
for more information on EFT and links to research about how and why it works.
Be Magnificent!