Ep. 5.2 5 Tips To Fix your ADHD Social Skills

Part two of the series ADHD Social Awkwardness and Social Skills. Please pardon me as I reveal my embarrassing, hurtful, and feelings-hurting ADHD MOUTH.
Here is a checklist that can be used to evaluate your social skills. It’s also available on the CHADD website. (CHADD (Children & Adults with Attention Disorder ))


Interviews and self-report questionnaires can be used to assess social skills and interpersonal interactions in adults with ADHD. A mental health professional will assess the adult’s social interactions during a diagnosis of ADHD. It is important that questionnaires include both the self-report of an individual with ADHD as well as reports from spouses, significant other, and friends.

These types of items may be included in the questionnaire:

-Difficulty paying close attention to others, missing pieces
-Appears as if
is being ignored-Difficulty in taking turns in conversation (tendency )
to interrupt often-Difficulty following through on tasks and/or responsibilities
-Failing to use proper manners
-Mistaken social cues
-Disorganized lifestyle
-Sharing information that is inappropriate
-Being distracted
by sounds or other noises-Flooding or being overwhelmed can cause
to be shut down.-Disorganized thoughts
-Rambling or straying off topic during conversations
-Ending abruptly a conversation

You can learn more about ADHD adults, particularly women, and how they struggle to make lasting friendships and social interaction.
CHADD (Children & Adults with Attention Deficit disorder )
) %20with%20ADHD%20often%20experience,cause%20emotional%20pain%20and%20suffering.

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