Guided Imagery for School Anxiety: Social Anxiety Treatment: Anxiety Skills #15

Guided Imagery for School Anxiety: Social Anxiety Treatment: Anxiety Skills #15

Do you have social or school anxiety?
This video shows 15 anxiety management skills in 15 seconds. It uses the first day at school to teach tons of skills for managing anxiety and social anxiety.

Although social anxiety can be debilitating, it doesn’t mean you have to give up on living the life that you desire. These anxiety coping strategies can help you overcome anxiety and make your life more successful.

This video is worth sharing because you never know who might need it. You will learn simple skills such as mindfulness, willingness and cognitive defusion, progressive muscles relaxation, diaphragmatic breath, and progressive muscle relaxation. This is basically the Chuck-a-Rama Buffet for anxiety skills that actually work.

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Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC and the information provided here by Emma McAdam is solely for entertainment and informational purposes. They are not intended to be a substitute or for diagnosis or treatment for mental or medical conditions. Emma McAdam is a licensed marriage- and family therapist. However, you should not consider the contents of this site as psychiatric or medical advice. Before making any decision regarding your mental or physical health, consult your doctor.

About Me:
I’m Emma McAdam. I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and have worked in many settings of growth and change since 2004.. My experience includes wilderness therapy programs and adventure therapy programs for juveniles. I also have experience in residential treatment centers, eating disorders treatment centers, and outpatient therapy clinics.

My therapy uses a combination Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Systems Theory. Positive psychology is also used. I also use a bio-psychosocial approach to treat mental illness and other problems we all face. My videos often incorporate ideas from multiple sources. Many of these ideas are based on Acceptance and Commitment therapy, particularly the work of Jason Luoma and Steven Hayes. The section on stress and the mind/body connection is based on the work of Stephen Porges (the Polyvagal Theory), Peter Levine, Somatic Experiencing), Francine Shapiro and Bessel Van der Kolk. The work of the Arbinger Institute is a major source of my understanding of how we can choose the direction of our lives.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is deeper than that. It orients my personal worldview, sense of security, hope, peace, and love.
If you are in crisis, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at or 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or your local emergency services.
Copyright Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC —-
Music licensed from and Images from (premium licence), Pixabay or Wikimedia Commons

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