How did I get so much stuff?

How did I get so much stuff?

Do I have a hoarding disorder? My closets are stuffed with stuff. I have stacks of five to six boxes. You can stack more stuff on every surface!

We have experienced a lot of clutter since we moved to a smaller house. It’s not just personal stuff. There are hundreds of tapes and scripts of television series. Paperwork. Memorabilia

Before I can sort through a box and decide what to keep, it is important to make sure that there is a flat surface. What about the stuff I need to keep? Next, I must find a place to store the ‘keepers.

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It has been challenging. Emotional. It can be difficult. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to understand if I might have a hoarding disorder.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up – (Amazon )
Spark Joy: An Illustrated Masterclass on the Art of Organizing & Tidying Up –
Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up – o

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