How to Help Someone With Depression

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Did you know that A healthy diet is associated with an approximately 30% reduction in the risk for depression and a 40% improvement in your thinking? Studies are showing that diet can influence inflammation and depression. Recent Australian studies show that Mediterranean-style diets can help with depression symptoms. These are only two examples. This protocol is not yet an official protocol. We have much more to learn. These results, despite the lack of data, are sufficient to recommend this intervention for people suffering from depression.

This is the Medimod diet, a modified Mediterranean diet. It does not keep track of calories or points. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables and beans are all good for the brain. It is possible to reduce or eliminate foods that can be harmful to the brain such as refined cereals and sugary and fried foods and refined flours like whitebread,

What are processed foods?
These include crackers, deli meats, cookies and chips. Foods should always be consumed in their original state. Whole foods are food that has been preserved in its original condition.

Gluten-free grains can be eaten even if you have an allergy. Gluten can be found as wheat, barley, and rye.

Non-gluten whole grains include buckwheat, millet and oats. Whole wheat is the most widely consumed, but you can also try other grains. Whole grains can be found in brown or black rice. Whole grains can also be found in couscous and quinoa. You should look for 100% whole grains or whole wheat pasta and bread.

What does it take to make this work?
It’s well-known that depression can be caused by inflammation. Healthy diets are rich in folate, B-vitamins and anti-inflammatory foods. These nutrients are essential for brain function. These nutrients can increase neuroplasticity which can help with depression. Neuroplasticity refers to the ability of neurons to form connections. Tight connections are desirable because nerves communicate with each other. This makes it harder for nerves to send messages between cells.

How long does it take to do this? They were unable to retest individuals for three months in these studies. We don’t know if people felt better sooner or later. Studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet is effective. These studies showed that your microbiome changes in just two weeks. Your gut health is determined by what bacteria it contains. Your gut health can have a significant impact on your overall health and brain health. The time between gut bacteria improvement, and better mood is unknown.

Even if you don’t have depression, the Mediterranean diet can help reduce your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. You can modify the diet to suit your needs, such as if it is for kidney disease or lactose intolerance. Regardless of how much you need to modify it, the best thing about this diet is the reduction in processed foods, sugar, and other refined foods. Whole foods are the best, no matter what your Paleo or Keto diet.

Medimod Guide (free download) t

Video on Depression and Neuoroplasticity-


Rachelle S. Opie, Adrienne O’Neil, Felice N. Jacka, Josephine Pizzinga & Catherine Itsiopoulos (2018)A modified Mediterranean dietary intervention for adults with major depression: Dietary protocol and feasibility data from the SMILES trial, Nutritional Neuroscience, 21:7, 487-501,
Jacka et al. Jacka et al. BMC Medicine (2017) 15: 23

Lai JS, Hiles S, Bisquera A, Hure AJ, McEvoy M, Attia J. A systematic review of depression and diet among community-living adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 2013;99: 181-97.

Marx W. et. al. The evidence in nutritional psychiatry.
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2017;76(4): 427-436

Do you want to know more about mental health and self-improvement? On this channel I discuss topics such as bipolar disorder, major depression, anxiety disorders, attention deficit disorder (ADHD), relationships and personal development/self-improvement. I upload weekly. Subscribe here if you don’t want to miss a single video.

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How to Help Someone With Depression

how to help someone with depression

If you’re thinking of ways to help someone with depression, it’s important to be aware of what to look out for. Depression can take many forms, and it can be hard for people to manage. There are many options available to help those with depression. Here are some ways to tackle the problem.

What are the signs of depression?

There is a wide range of symptoms to look out for, including social withdrawal and loss of interest in activities or sleep disturbances. An inability to concentrate can be a sign of depression. This can affect your daily tasks and choices. Changes in weight and appetite may also be signs of depression. Suicidal thoughts can also occur.

There are many symptoms that may be indicative of depression. These symptoms include sadness, hopelessness and guilt. These symptoms can be triggered from a variety of factors, including the death or stress caused by work. These symptoms can be different for everyone.

Consult a doctor if you have any concerns. Tell the truth about your symptoms. Your doctor will ask questions about your symptoms such as when and where they began. You will also be asked if your symptoms are getting worse. Print your quiz results and bring them along to your appointment.

What are the signs of depression?

Depression is characterized by negative thoughts and feelings that can last for several weeks or even months. You may feel more hungry, less interest in daily activities, and guilt. Other symptoms include fatigue and difficulty concentrating, as well as thoughts of suicide.

Understanding the causes of depression can help you to get better. Sometimes all it takes to feel better is to make some changes. It could be as easy as finding a job or new friends. You might also need professional help. Therapy can help you accomplish something and teach how to manage your emotions.

A change in your sleeping patterns could indicate depression. It is possible to feel more tired than usual. This is common in younger people. You may find it harder to fall asleep, or feeling refreshed afterwards. Weight loss and growth can be caused by depression. It could be because of a change in appetite.

How to help someone suffering from depression

Being a good listener is one of the best ways you can support someone suffering from depression. It’s easy to wish the best for someone suffering from depression. It’s better not to offer advice than to listen. Listen to them instead and share your experiences. They will feel loved and supported by you. It is possible to work together to create something fun or a relaxing atmosphere.

Encouragement to exercise is a way to assist someone who is suffering from depression. Going for a walk with someone you care about is a great way to help them. It’s also a great idea to offer assistance with simple tasks, such as cooking or washing dishes. To avoid overwhelming them or making them feel overwhelmed, limit how much assistance you offer.

How to talk about depression and someone

The first step in talking to someone with depression is to tell them that you are struggling. Talking to someone with depression can help them feel heard and understood. You might feel angry or frustrated with yourself. Your encouragement words can be very helpful to them. You might consider consulting a professional if necessary.

In many cases depression can result in loneliness. Talking to someone you care about can help in these situations. You will be surprised at how open you are to sharing your feelings with them. They may also be unsure of what to do. It is best to remain positive and to learn how to talk to someone who is depressed.

Encouragement to the person to seek help for depression

If you are concerned about someone who is depressed, encourage them to seek help. You can offer support and encouragement. The person can also be helped to understand depression and how it is treated. It is important that someone suffering from depression take care of their mental health and have enough time to do so. It is possible to offer small tasks to help them. To avoid burnout, limit how much help you give.

If the person with depression is having trouble making decisions, it’s possible to help them schedule appointments. You can help them with chores around the house or establish a routine. They may not be able to make healthy decisions without being prompted. Recommending treatment can help them overcome these obstacles.

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