How to Know If You Have ADHD
People who have ADHD may feel different than others, but it doesn’t mean that they’re any less intelligent. Although ADHD causes more difficulty in certain areas, people with this disorder can still find their niche and be successful. The key is to find your strengths, and develop those into your niche. By learning more about your own strengths, you’ll be able to better understand how to deal with the challenges that come with the disorder.
What Are The Symptoms Of ADHD
Children with ADHD have trouble playing quietly and can often blurt out answers before a question has been completely answered. They may also finish sentences of others who are talking. Children with ADHD also have difficulty waiting for their turn, and often intrude on others’ games and conversations. The neurotransmitters that are associated with ADHD are thought to affect the functioning of two different attentional networks in the brain. A physician may recommend medication for ADHD or refer the child to a psychiatrist or child psychologist.
The most common symptom of ADHD is hyperactivity. While most children are naturally active, impulsive kids often try to multitask and bounce from activity to activity. They also have trouble sitting still, playing quietly, or relaxing. Even older children with ADHD may become distracted by unrelated thoughts. They may also have trouble controlling their emotions. While some children with ADHD are impulsive, others display signs of ADHD only during their early adolescence.
Causes Of ADHD
There’s a lot of speculation about the causes of ADHD, but genetics is an important component of understanding the disorder. Research shows that certain traits are more likely to run in families than others. For example, people who have brown eyes often have family members with the same trait. A study by Dr. Joseph Biederman and colleagues showed that 25% of children from families with ADHD were also brown-eyed. This suggests that ADHD is highly heritable.
Psychosocial adversity, such as trauma, disease, or stroke, can alter the expression and outcomes of ADHD. Psychosocial circumstances should be considered when designing treatment plans. Adverse circumstances should be examined for their direction, causality, and potential blame. A child with ADHD may have one or more co-existing conditions, such as depression, eating disorders, or substance abuse. Despite its common effects, ADHD can persist throughout a person’s lifetime, even into adulthood.
Getting Diagnosed With ADHD
The experience of getting diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be a life-changing event. While 50-75% of women may have it, many are unaware they have it. Not knowing you have ADHD can impact your education, employment, physical and mental health. Listen to our interview with Jasmine Andersson to understand how it feels to get diagnosed with ADHD. This story was edited for length and clarity.
First, you’ll need to see your GP. Then, you’ll likely need to see a private doctor for a formal diagnosis. Many people find the NHS too expensive and ineffective for adult ADHD diagnoses. This makes private assessment a valuable option for many. In addition to medication, you’ll learn more about the condition and how to deal with it effectively. Your healthcare provider will discuss your treatment options with you.
Risk Factors Of ADHD
In a systematic review, risk factors associated with ADHD are identified in both males and females. Sociodemographic characteristics include age, sex, race, socioeconomic status, and parental characteristics. These factors may include environmental exposures, risk behaviors, and maternal diseases. However, no evidence has been identified for moderation of risk factors. Some of the reported risk factors are:
Several biological and environmental factors have been identified as risk factors for ADHD, including maternal anemia and low birth weight. Preterm delivery and low birth weight are associated with higher risk of ADHD, but maternal education and the number of offspring may be protective. More research is needed to clarify controversies associated with risk factors of ADHD. In the meantime, the prevalence of the disorder is estimated to increase if environmental exposures are greater than prenatal conditions.
Complications Of ADHD
Children and adults with ADHD may display symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. They often fidget, talk excessively, and have trouble sitting still. Children with this disorder may also show signs of impulsivity, including daydreaming and forgetfulness during daily activities. Adults with ADHD may also show signs of impulsivity, inattention, and restlessness, and may have trouble concentrating or meeting deadlines.
A doctor may prescribe medicines to treat the symptoms of ADHD and recommend other treatments, including psychotherapy, counselling, social skills training, and behavior modification. Some children may need special education, if the symptoms are severe enough. But these treatments can be costly and difficult. The good news is that there are effective treatment options available. The benefits of ADHD medication are numerous. Your child’s doctor will work with you and your child to find the right treatment for your child.