A child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can experience problems with overactivity, impulsivity and risk-taking. It can mean a child is disruptive, can make a real difference to their progress in school and impact on their relationships with their peers, friends, family and teachers.
This film explains how to identify and help a child showing the symptoms of ADHD.
Nip in the Bud® was set up to encourage awareness about mental health disorders in young children. For more information, the accompanying comprehensive Fact Sheets and additional resources visit us at /
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Perhaps you’re a parent whose child lives with ADHD? We have more films for you in our Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in young children Playlist
/>These films range from how teachers and carers can help support children who may be experiencing ADHD to hearing from families’ first-hand experiences.
If you’re a teacher or someone who works with young children you can find more information and inspiration here:
Mental Health Tips for Teachers of young children Playlist
Our films range from tips for teachers in the classroom can use if their students are experiencing symptoms of mental illness, neurodiverse or neurodevelopmental issues, to handling disclosures from children, anxiety about covid or going back to school. We also have short films with tips on how to help children look after their mental health.
Please Like this film and subscribe if you would like to see more of our films on children’s mental health and wellbeing – we’d really appreciate it and we think you will too.
Learn more about Children’s Mental Health on our website:
Children’s Mental Health /
Anxiety /
Autism Spectrum Condition /
Conduct Disorder/ODD /
Depression /
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