The Real History and Future of ADHD , ADHD in Adults

L-Theanine Gummies 100 years after the first known case of childhood attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder was published, adult ADHD still goes largely untreated and undiagnosed. It is estimated that 10 million adults suffer from undiagnosed ADHD.

The symptoms of ADHD (hyperactivity, difficulty concentrating or focusing on tasks) manifest differently in adults than they do in children and aduts tend to compensate for deficiencies by working harder, so it wasn’t until recently that psychiatrists and doctors began treating ADHD in adults. The validity of Adult ADHD was frequently challenged and many people who suffered from attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder as children were believed to be cured in adulthood. Because of this belief, also known as the theory of Developmental Delay, doctors and insurance companies did not approve drugs for ADHD children once they reached adulthood. However, thanks to genetic, epidemiological and treatment studies, ADHD in adults is now recognized by the American Medical Association and American Psychiatric Association.

SUNY Upstate Medical professor of Psychiatry, Stephen V. Faraone, PhD. explains the history of why this has gone largely untreated and urges primary care practitioners to learn to recognize and treat the afflication. Visit the link above to learn more. Our Website with Free Resources

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We want to thank all the following YouTubers and Channels which have addressed
the challenges and myths of ADHD to bring us the facts and improve the quality
of care for ADHD in Adults:

What It’s Like Living with ADHD
Katie Couric

The Worst and Best Jobs People for ADD ADHD
Gina Loudon

How to Recognize Adult ADHD Symptoms

Adults with ADHD: What Do We Know? What Do They Need?

Inside the adult ADHD brain
McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT

Adult ADD/ADHD Documentary

Adults with ADD
Calvin College

3 Quick Steps to Stop Negative Thinking Now! | CYBCYL with Daniel Amen and Tana Amen
Dr. Daniel Amen

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